
zaterdag 11 mei 2013

Encounter with Pierre Antoine Vettorello

Please introduce yourself: 
I’m Pierre Antoine Vettorello, I’m French with origins from Côte d’Ivoire and Italy, I live and work in Brussels where I am working for myself and also as a freelance designer since I graduated from the Royal Academy of Antwerp in 2010. My creative field is women’s clothing and accessories. 

What inspires you in general?
I get inspired from movies, music, trends and social movements. I can get inspired by an artist, a singer, an attitude…

What is it like to be a young designer in your city/country?
Being a young designer in Belgium is great, as we are free to express our creativity without any boundaries. And the public is really aware of trends, crafts and Art.
Living and working in Brussels is an experience, it’s like this city is constantly changing.

What place/city do you find inspiring?
I love living cities like Paris, Dublin and New York. But also quiet places such as the Cyclades or Gascony in France where is my hometown.

What is the concept behind your latest collection?
This last collection is inspired by hybrids of women and guns, a series, which I started few years ago and I thought it would be great to continue. This time I present different colors and another atmosphere, juicier and acid. They are amazons, female fighters with a sharp sense for style and humor.

Describe your collection in three words:
Pink, Fun and Electric.

What kind of feeling do you want to transfer with your latest collection?
A feeling that everything is possible! Even though life is tough sometimes, you still have Love and Freedom to fight!

What have you learned during your internships at Karl Lagerfeld and Balenciaga and how did it influence your own work?
I’ve learned a lot from these experiences. They were totally different experiences in two different periods of time! What they shared with me was precision in your work and a very good timing.

Did you always wanted to work in the field of fashion?
I followed a training of Art history and Design when in high school and then it became more and more précised. I’m obviously working in the field of fashion but it is also about entrepreneurship, marketing and how to lead a business, which is very exciting.

Do you have a muse? If yes, who is it and why?
I have few of them! For this collection it was Nicki Minaj, my friends François and Alex who are some unbelievably talented contemporary dancers and my friend Gloria who is having fun is Goa! They are Wild but they do have their feet on the ground.

Who is your favorite fashion designer? 
Mister Alaia who I respect the most.

What is so far your greatest experience in your 'fashion' career?
So far it was this morning, when I entered my workshop and I saw the smiling faces of people working with me! A feeling full of warmth and joy.

What is on your music list while you're making your collection?
Right now I’m listening to the Friday Mixtape #137 for my lads Acid Stag’s Dan and Jez from Australia

What made you smile today?
Me trying to explain a brilliant movie I saw last night: Cloud Atlas by The Wachowskis’s and Tom Tykwer!

What is the latest thing you bought for yourself?
A pair of sneakers.

What can we expect from you in the future?
A great Show!

(Photographer: Ronald Stoops)

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