
vrijdag 12 juli 2013

FASHIONCLASH participants at MOBA 13

red outfit: Agnieszka Natasza Splewińska
Curator Lidewij Edelkoort has selected the theme of Fetishism in Fashion for the fifth edition of the M°BA. FASHIONCLASH team went to Arnhem to visit this big event. We were in particular proud to see work of several FASHIONCLASH Maastricht designers.
We have made a selection of their work that is featured in Moba.

You can visit this great event until July 21.

Head pieces by Tata Christiane

Head pieces by Tata Christiane

Head pieces by Tata Christiane

Head pieces by Tata Christiane

Head pieces by Tata Christiane

Jef Montes

Femke Agema

Peter Movrin, one of designers of Young@Squat

Saba Tark

Femke Agema

Femke Agema

Ellen Sampson

Iris Schieferstein

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