
zondag 11 juni 2017

Coffee Break Story #2 Ebby Port

Together with our partner Coffeelovers we will be sharing a Coffee Break Story almost every Sunday as of the 4th of June! 5 Local designers who are part of FabricAge will be sharing their “cup of inspiration” and “what tickles their fashion senses”.

Our second Coffee Break is with:
Ebby Port |

Ebby Port, 29, living in Maastricht and owner of the fashion label ebby port. Ebby is one of the
designers envolved in the FabricAge project. She will also present her collection during the FASHIONCLASH Festival in the Jan van Eyck Academy.

1. What makes the social design label & project FabricAge so special? Why do you want to be part of FabricAge? 
I think it is really important to work together, especially between different generations. It’s a nice way to get to know each other, becaus
e you are crafting and experimenting together. And it creates a nice vibe!

2. What can we expect from you during FASHIONCLASH Festival 2017, FabricAge and/or in the future?
During the FASHIONCLASH Festival I will present my collection in the Jan van Eyck Academy at 14h00 on Saturday 1 July. The place where I also print my fabrics. It is my first independent show, which is exciting. It is open to anyone who wants to come! With FabricAge I am curious to see where the process of working with so many people will lead us. I hope we can reconnect generations and maybe even work together in the future.

3. How does Fashion Make Sense to you nowadays?
I think fashion always makes sense, because it is an expression of the time we live in. The way we move, act and interact. It’s an intimate expression and personal reflection of us as human beings. In that way I think fashion will always make sense.

4. What magazine or book does every creative/fashion designer should have on their coffee table? The brain that changes itself by Norman Doidge. Such an inspiring book!

From 1 June until 15 July 2017 Ebby will be working with 4 other designers and 6 craft experts during various FabricAge workshops, covering the techniques of (experimental) knitting, embroidery and weaving. Together with the senior (55+) participants, one spectacular textile design will be created for the city of Maastricht. Wanna join one of the FabricAge workshops? Check out (NL)!

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