
maandag 14 mei 2018

Freak Show by Dominika Kozáková

Dominika Kozáková is a Slovakian designer, whose designs are inspired by a background in costume making. Her newest collection, FreakShow reflects this. The collection is inspired by chaos at the circus, following an extravagant and dreamy mood, with references to Baroque and Rococo. While the collection shows signs of womenswear, the collection is designed for anyone who is brave enough to wear it and go out to the everyday circus of streets in a madly colourful outfit. The collection challenges people to break free from the social norms of clothing.

The collection will be presented during the Show Programme on Saturday the 16th at the SAM-Decorfabriek. You can get your tickets here.

What made you realize that you wanted to work in (fashion) design?
Until recently, I was trying to decide whether I should make costumes or fashion. I went for fashion. I get a lot of inspiration from costumes and theater art. But for me the connection, the passion and beauty, I find in fashion are more important.

Why did you choose fashion?
Because I know it's the best way to express myself. We dress up and act with brave attitudes in order to be open and enhance our self-expression, in a world where everyday human rights are constantly violated.

What would you say are your main achievements in your career? I am very happy to be part of and present my work at Mercedes Benz Bratislava Fashion Week, Mercedes Benz Prague Fashion Week and Fashion alternative event Dotek in Zlín and Brno.

What are your sources of inspiration?
My childhood experiences, mainly, even from infancy! These experiences inspire me, mainly because as children we do not see a stereotypical age or gender, but we see things as they are and we want to do them exactly as we feel. This is why my work is naive, dreamy and passionate about colors. I want my creations to be colorful, childlike and cheerful. Just as children, accept the majority of gender stereotypes, but they're still not affected by them. Probably everybody can use their memories and remember how they did not understand why they could not play with the cars and why they could not wear whatever they wanted. The child does not see gender but sees things as they are.

Why did you decide to participate in FASHIONCLASH Festival 2018? What are your expectations?
I have been watching FASHIONCLASH for a long time and I love it! It has a great aura for me. I have been preparing, since last year and I am very happy to be part of FASHIONCLASH festival this year too. I expect to give my audience a magical experience and a lot of inspiration.

What do you love most about (fashion) design? What are the biggest struggles faced by young designers?
I love to combine and look for innovative material solutions, but also to try different colors and structures. I do not want to be just a designer, I want to be innovative and create something completely new, which goes beyond the creation of clothes. There is already a lot of saturation in industry, and I do not want to play by these rules. Priority is always an attitude.

How would you define fashion?
The same way I define self-respect in society. Very fast changing.

What do you think are the most important issues in fashion today?
What do we want to say? What new do we want to bring into fashion? What do we want to change with fashion?

How do you think fashion contributes to society, can it contribute to a better world?
Fashion should give us the opportunity to change things that are not so simple and limited.

What challenges do you face in the design process? What are your favorite parts of the process? My favorite part of the process is the selection of materials and colors. Then I like to experiment with them and find innovative solutions. Research is also one of the things I love.

Describe your design process in one word.
Certainly not one , Chaos, a million colors and materials and love.

How would you describe the concept behind your project (for FASHIONCLASH)?
The models carry the signs of womenswear, but they are designed for both women and men – to anyone who is brave enough to go out to the everyday circus of streets in a madly colorful outfit. It is up to the people to decide whether the models are "wearable" or totally tear off their world. In a normal environment, the collection can provoke a society to break free from a gender formalism. We are all somehow "freaks", so why to hide it?

What inspired you?
Freak Show is a collection inspired by the chaos of a circus. It flows in a dreamy, extravagant mood that follows up fashionable references to Baroque and Rococo.

How would you describe your project in three words?
Love is Free, Transverse issues, Provoke society

What projects are you involved in at the moment? What are your next steps?
I plan a lot of interesting pictures and collaboration with one of my favorite designers Vivien Babicová and her SeatBeltBag handbags from which I am very pleased. I'm preparing for a college with a focus on garment design. And at the same time, I'm planning a new collection and I'd like to go for an internship. I would like to be even more open and enthusiastic.

What are your thoughts regarding fashion and religion?
Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider, is chaos for the fly. For me, it is most important to make our own way and stand up for what we believe. My reality, my world, my religion. Our church is our circus.

What does your day look like during the design process?
I drink plenty of coffee and wine. I go for walks or bikes. From the whole process, I think the most important research. I go to the library and the exhibitions. I think well in nature.

Who is your favorite artist?
Brooke Candy, Basquiat,Erik Schille,Grimes

Who is your favorite designer? Charles Jeffrey, Matty Bovan, Dilara Findikoglu Gareth Pugh, Vivienne Westwood, that's my heart.

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