27/28/29 en 30 August 2009
Those who have missed the fabulous result of the CLASH project, which was showed during the first edition of 'FASHIONCLASH Maastricht 2009', had a second chance during Zomerparkfeest in Venlo 29th of August. Once again the audience was surprised with the creations of the ten non-fashion designers.
Matylda Krzykowski coordinated this presentation.
Clash participants:
Dik Scheepers- product designer/ Joost Horward- actor/director/ Kim van Bakel- product designer/ Laszlo Rozsnoki- product designer/ Leonid Bebiichuk- artist/ Liv Langeslag- artist/
Marco Iananicelli- product designer/ Tanja Ritterbex- artist/
Tom Astrella & Matylda Krzykowski- product designers/ Valentina Vos- photographer
Dik Scheepers / Joost Horward
Leonid Bebiichuk / Tanja Ritterbex
Valentina Vos
Marco Inanicelli/ Kim van Bakel
Kim van Bakel
Tom Astrella & Matylda Krzykowski
Liv Langeslag
Laszlo Rozsnoki