FASHIONCLASH is taking part in the event
Extraschicht on the 19th of June in Essen, Ruhr 2010, that is the cultural capital of Europe this year. The province of Limburg invited FASHIONCLASH to represent the region on this 'midsummer night' event in Essen. FASHIONCLASH RUHR, here we come!

ExtraSchicht (ExtraShift) 2010
Summer festival of the European Capital of Culture RUHR.2010
In this Capital of Culture Year, ExtraSchicht is doing something extra special. The Night of Industrial Culture is celebrating its tenth birthday, and on 19 June will present itself as the summer festival of the European Capital of Culture RUHR.2010. The colourful festival of the Metropolis Ruhr will reach new dimensions as 200 events at 50 venues ensure an unforgettable night. Never before has such an extensive programme been staged at so many exciting venues of industrial culture!
Press conference at the province of Limburg, 6th of April.