woensdag 30 maart 2016
FASHIONCLASH Festival and SESSIBON have been partners since the very first beginning in 2009.
SESSIBON is a fashion event rebel as well as an all-round, unique, and dynamic project organization with professionals from the sector. We have matured over the years, like a fine single malt whisky, and accumulated a wealth of experience. Our dynamism lies in our ability to develop and organize a variety of fashion shows and events for clients from the national and international retail and fashion industry.
“We create your fashion event!”
SESSIBON was the product of fresh ideas and bundles of creativity when we put it on the map as a model agency and organizer of national and international fashion shows twenty-five years ago. We have grown to become the ultimate specialist in fashion shows, concept development, and unique events. We take care of everything – and by that we do mean everything – including project management and the technical realisation used during events. This would not be possible without our permanent technical partners and a strong network of professionals from the industry who complement each other perfectly. Having the best people united at the right place means that we can offer our clients nothing less than top-quality services for their brand experience.
Gulpener Bierbrouwerij
Gulpener Bierbrouwerij & FASHIONCLASH Festival
Vrijheid proef je
Als onafhankelijke familiebrouwerij genieten we al sinds 1825 van onze vrijheid. De vrijheid om onze eigen koers te varen en alleen te doen wat goed voelt. De vrijheid om de smaak van bier niet af te vlakken, maar te verrijken en continu te zoeken naar vernieuwende smaken. Die vrijheid ervaren wij al 8 generaties en dat proef je terug in onze bieren.
We hebben een sterke band met onze omgeving en zijn graag van waarde voor de wereld om ons heen. Daarom brouwen we bier met water uit eigen bronnen, gebruiken we hop uit eigen hoptuin en komt ook onze gerst van boeren uit de regio. Dit alles houdt onze ‘voetafdruk’ laag en maakt Gulpener tegelijkertijd tot het meest Nederlandse bier van het land.
Hoe kunnen we het als duurzame ‘Vrije Brouwer’ nog beter doen? Kunnen we nóg eerlijker en lekkerder bier maken, zonder het traditionele vakmanschap uit het oog te verliezen? Vragen die regelmatig leiden tot nieuwe avonturen, experimenten en, niet te vergeten, nieuwe smaken. Smaken waarmee we de échte biergenieter nog generaties lang hopen te verrassen.
Vrijheid proef je
Als onafhankelijke familiebrouwerij genieten we al sinds 1825 van onze vrijheid. De vrijheid om onze eigen koers te varen en alleen te doen wat goed voelt. De vrijheid om de smaak van bier niet af te vlakken, maar te verrijken en continu te zoeken naar vernieuwende smaken. Die vrijheid ervaren wij al 8 generaties en dat proef je terug in onze bieren.
We hebben een sterke band met onze omgeving en zijn graag van waarde voor de wereld om ons heen. Daarom brouwen we bier met water uit eigen bronnen, gebruiken we hop uit eigen hoptuin en komt ook onze gerst van boeren uit de regio. Dit alles houdt onze ‘voetafdruk’ laag en maakt Gulpener tegelijkertijd tot het meest Nederlandse bier van het land.
Hoe kunnen we het als duurzame ‘Vrije Brouwer’ nog beter doen? Kunnen we nóg eerlijker en lekkerder bier maken, zonder het traditionele vakmanschap uit het oog te verliezen? Vragen die regelmatig leiden tot nieuwe avonturen, experimenten en, niet te vergeten, nieuwe smaken. Smaken waarmee we de échte biergenieter nog generaties lang hopen te verrassen.
vrijdag 25 maart 2016
LET’S (AD)DRESS THE PEOPLE! is a new multidisciplinary social design project based around traditional craft techniques and participation of particularly elderly. The project is developed in context of the FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 theme Heritage and will take place at Centre Céramique, Coffeelovers and Plein 1992 in Maastricht.
In the project the process is as important as the end result. This process of handicrafting within a team contributes to encounter, dialogue and sharing of knowledge. The project brings together the arts and crafts of fashion and textile design with the tangible and intangible heritage of our popular culture.
Designers Floor Nijdeken, Jolijn Fiddelaers of IXX Creates and Maartje Boer and Suzanne Vaessen of STRIKKS will work in teams with experienced craft buddies and elderly participnats with purpose to co-create new textile designs. The public space of Centre Céramique will temporary be transformed into a pop-up workshop where all teams will work together.
The final presentation of the project will take place June 30 – July 3 during FASHIONCLASH Festival at Plein 1992, which will be temporarily transformed into a craft square. Everyone is invited to observe but also to take part with one of the teams and co-create!
LET’S (AD)DRESS THE PEOPLE! is an initiative of FASHIONCLASH in cooperation with Tout Maastricht. LET’S (AD)DRESS THE PEOPLE! is made possible thanks to generous support by Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, Gemeente Maastricht, Stichting Elisabeth Strouven, Coffeelovers and Centre Céramique.

In the project the process is as important as the end result. This process of handicrafting within a team contributes to encounter, dialogue and sharing of knowledge. The project brings together the arts and crafts of fashion and textile design with the tangible and intangible heritage of our popular culture.
kick off encounter with designers at Plein 1992 |
The final presentation of the project will take place June 30 – July 3 during FASHIONCLASH Festival at Plein 1992, which will be temporarily transformed into a craft square. Everyone is invited to observe but also to take part with one of the teams and co-create!
LET’S (AD)DRESS THE PEOPLE! is an initiative of FASHIONCLASH in cooperation with Tout Maastricht. LET’S (AD)DRESS THE PEOPLE! is made possible thanks to generous support by Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, Gemeente Maastricht, Stichting Elisabeth Strouven, Coffeelovers and Centre Céramique.
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Crossover Collective | Floor Nijdeken |
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IXX creates |
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IXX creates |
woensdag 23 maart 2016
David Catalan wins Sangue Novo / FASHIONCLASH Festival
David Catalan |
He joins Tania Nicole, winner of ModaLisboa October edition, for participation at FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016.
Sangue Novo (New Blood) is a platform for emerging young designers in Portugal. Each edition one designer wins participation at FASHIONCLASH Festival.
Previous winners where Inês Duvale and Patrick de Padua who both once again presented strong collections.
Patrick de Padua proved he is ready for the next step; his price is a LAB show where he will get the opportunity to show a bigger collection.
More Sangue Novo images:here
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Branko Popovic (FASHIONCLASH) and Eduarda Abbondanza (director of ModaLisboa) with winner David Catalán |
FASHIONCLASH and COFFEELOVERS are partners since 2010. Sharing the love for craftsmanship, quality and heritage makes the friendship last. We are very happy and proud that COFFEELOVERS will be part of FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016, Heritage edition.
fashion is not something
that exists in dresses only.
fashion is in the sky, in the street,
fashion has to do with ideas,
the way we live,
what is happening.
Coco Chanel
Serving delicious coffees, scrumptious muffins, mouthwatering cakes, and tasty sandwiches Coffeelovers is the place to be for a quick bite or a more comprehensive lunch. Located at several locations in Maastricht city centre it's easily accessible for everybody needing their daily caffeine shot. Pure heaven.
Coffeelovers loves coffee lovers and vice versa … This affection – not only for the “black gold” but also for tea – can be felt and tasted! For every cup of coffee, specifically trained Coffeelovers baristas grind a certain amount of coffee beans provided by our supplier Maison Blanche Deal, which has been well-known in Maastricht since 1878. Upon request, they will also make you a coffee latte, and without a doubt our Coffeelovers hearts are famous!
fashion is not something
that exists in dresses only.
fashion is in the sky, in the street,
fashion has to do with ideas,
the way we live,
what is happening.
Coco Chanel
Serving delicious coffees, scrumptious muffins, mouthwatering cakes, and tasty sandwiches Coffeelovers is the place to be for a quick bite or a more comprehensive lunch. Located at several locations in Maastricht city centre it's easily accessible for everybody needing their daily caffeine shot. Pure heaven.
Coffeelovers loves coffee lovers and vice versa … This affection – not only for the “black gold” but also for tea – can be felt and tasted! For every cup of coffee, specifically trained Coffeelovers baristas grind a certain amount of coffee beans provided by our supplier Maison Blanche Deal, which has been well-known in Maastricht since 1878. Upon request, they will also make you a coffee latte, and without a doubt our Coffeelovers hearts are famous!
vrijdag 18 maart 2016
FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 partners with Thiessen Wijnkoopers
Steeped in history
A firm of royal distinction and the holder of a Royal Warrant has obligations to live up to. Thiessen Wijnkoopers, since 1717, has led the way in importing quality wines form France and the rest of the world for almost 300 years. Our centuries-old property in the heart of the city is an impressive part of Maastricht’s cultural heritage. Thiessen is the place par excellence for a large collection of the best wines, ports and champagnes. Just a five minute walk from the Vrijthof, our beautiful historic premises are also an unique location for tastings, diners and other gatherings. Feel free to step inside and discover this hidden treasure.
"He who knows how to taste wine does not drink wine but savors secrets."
- Salvador Dali -
Steeped in history
A firm of royal distinction and the holder of a Royal Warrant has obligations to live up to. Thiessen Wijnkoopers, since 1717, has led the way in importing quality wines form France and the rest of the world for almost 300 years. Our centuries-old property in the heart of the city is an impressive part of Maastricht’s cultural heritage. Thiessen is the place par excellence for a large collection of the best wines, ports and champagnes. Just a five minute walk from the Vrijthof, our beautiful historic premises are also an unique location for tastings, diners and other gatherings. Feel free to step inside and discover this hidden treasure.
"He who knows how to taste wine does not drink wine but savors secrets."
- Salvador Dali -
dinsdag 15 maart 2016
Kevin Murphy is door zijn langdurige carrière in fashion, fotografie en film één van ‘s werelds meest gevraagde session stylisten. Hij is bekend geworden door zijn editorial werk voor internationale titels als Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire en Vanity Fair. Daarnaast creëerde hij toonaangevende looks voor celebrities als Cate Blanchett, Naomi Watts, Selma Blair, Kylie Minogue, Enrique Iglesias, Vanessa Hudgens, Heidi Klum, Miranda Kerr en Jessica Hart. Vogue bekroonde Kevin tot de uitvinder van de ‘beach look’. Niet voor niets is Kevin Murphy één van de meest gerespecteerde session stylisten van deze tijd.
Kevin Murphy ontwikkelt haircare producten die voldoen aan zijn eigen ideeën en eisen. Zijn gelijknamige brand KEVIN.MURPHY is een fashionable haircare merk die SKINCARE FOR HAIR ontwikkelt. De producten worden ontwikkeld met dezelfde uitgangspunten als huidverzorging. Geïnspireerd door de beste en duurzame ingrediënten uit de natuur zoals essentiële oliën, vitamines, natuurlijke antioxidanten en plantenextracten.
KEVIN.MURPHY producten zijn gewichtloos en ontworpen om langdurig te presteren en het haar stevigheid te geven. Alle producten zijn parabeen- en sulfaatvrij. KEVIN.MURPHY draagt een steentje bij aan de omgeving. Het merk is dan ook trots op “THE CHOICES WE MAKE”. KEVIN.MURPHY maakt niet alleen producten van de beste natuurlijke kwaliteiten. De producten zijn ECO FRIENDLY. Alle verpakkingen zijn 100% recyclebaar en/of biologisch afbreekbaar. Er worden natuurlijke ingrediënten gebruikt uit bronnen die op duurzame en innovatieve wijze worden geoogst. Bij de zoektocht naar ingrediënten wordt gekozen voor bedrijven die gebruik maken van microteelt, biologische begroeiing of ecologische oogsttechnieken. KEVIN.MURPHY test op modellen. Niet op dieren. PETA, de allergrootste dierenrechtenorganisatie van de wereld, heeft KEVIN.MURPHY in 2012 benoemd tot CRUELTY FREE bedrijf.
Kevin Murphy is door zijn langdurige carrière in fashion, fotografie en film één van ‘s werelds meest gevraagde session stylisten. Hij is bekend geworden door zijn editorial werk voor internationale titels als Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire en Vanity Fair. Daarnaast creëerde hij toonaangevende looks voor celebrities als Cate Blanchett, Naomi Watts, Selma Blair, Kylie Minogue, Enrique Iglesias, Vanessa Hudgens, Heidi Klum, Miranda Kerr en Jessica Hart. Vogue bekroonde Kevin tot de uitvinder van de ‘beach look’. Niet voor niets is Kevin Murphy één van de meest gerespecteerde session stylisten van deze tijd.
Kevin Murphy ontwikkelt haircare producten die voldoen aan zijn eigen ideeën en eisen. Zijn gelijknamige brand KEVIN.MURPHY is een fashionable haircare merk die SKINCARE FOR HAIR ontwikkelt. De producten worden ontwikkeld met dezelfde uitgangspunten als huidverzorging. Geïnspireerd door de beste en duurzame ingrediënten uit de natuur zoals essentiële oliën, vitamines, natuurlijke antioxidanten en plantenextracten.
KEVIN.MURPHY producten zijn gewichtloos en ontworpen om langdurig te presteren en het haar stevigheid te geven. Alle producten zijn parabeen- en sulfaatvrij. KEVIN.MURPHY draagt een steentje bij aan de omgeving. Het merk is dan ook trots op “THE CHOICES WE MAKE”. KEVIN.MURPHY maakt niet alleen producten van de beste natuurlijke kwaliteiten. De producten zijn ECO FRIENDLY. Alle verpakkingen zijn 100% recyclebaar en/of biologisch afbreekbaar. Er worden natuurlijke ingrediënten gebruikt uit bronnen die op duurzame en innovatieve wijze worden geoogst. Bij de zoektocht naar ingrediënten wordt gekozen voor bedrijven die gebruik maken van microteelt, biologische begroeiing of ecologische oogsttechnieken. KEVIN.MURPHY test op modellen. Niet op dieren. PETA, de allergrootste dierenrechtenorganisatie van de wereld, heeft KEVIN.MURPHY in 2012 benoemd tot CRUELTY FREE bedrijf.
dinsdag 8 maart 2016
Vandyck Spirits & FASHIONCLASH
FASHIONCLASH Festival partners with Vandyck Spirits
"With VanDyck Red, Gin and Vodka, you’ll enjoy the finest Gin and Vodka beverages available. All due to our secret recipes which go back to 1867."
"With VanDyck Red, Gin and Vodka, you’ll enjoy the finest Gin and Vodka beverages available. All due to our secret recipes which go back to 1867."
behind the scenes FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 Campaign
FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 campaign behind the scenes images
In relation to the theme of Heritage a campaign is created with an editorial and fashion film in collaboration with Lonneke van der Palen, Studio Noto, M.A.C. Cosmetics, KEVIN.MURPHY and WEDOVOODOO.TV In this editorial work of emerging designers from the Netherlands.
FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 campaign credits:
Photography: Lonneke van der Palen
Make-up: M.A.C. Cosmetics
Graphic design: Studio Noto
Styling & Art direction: FASHIONCLASH Assistants: Pia Walter, Nienke Creemers, Sem Shayne
Models: Isabella Provaas @ CJ Models, Mara Kasanpawiro and Isa Nilwik @Models Rock Agency, Bert Snaterse, Jessica Irabor, Annoury Belaraj
Designers: Merel Bos, Joelle Boers, Judith van Vliet, Noir Near Future, Renate Cuiper, Jivika Biervliet, Minou Lejeune, Jennifer Droguett, Michał Wójciak, Julia Aumann, Maarten van Mulken, Nawie Kuiper, Branko Popovic and Brenda Prins.
In relation to the theme of Heritage a campaign is created with an editorial and fashion film in collaboration with Lonneke van der Palen, Studio Noto, M.A.C. Cosmetics, KEVIN.MURPHY and WEDOVOODOO.TV In this editorial work of emerging designers from the Netherlands.
FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 campaign credits:
Photography: Lonneke van der Palen
Make-up: M.A.C. Cosmetics
Graphic design: Studio Noto
Styling & Art direction: FASHIONCLASH Assistants: Pia Walter, Nienke Creemers, Sem Shayne
Models: Isabella Provaas @ CJ Models, Mara Kasanpawiro and Isa Nilwik @Models Rock Agency, Bert Snaterse, Jessica Irabor, Annoury Belaraj
Designers: Merel Bos, Joelle Boers, Judith van Vliet, Noir Near Future, Renate Cuiper, Jivika Biervliet, Minou Lejeune, Jennifer Droguett, Michał Wójciak, Julia Aumann, Maarten van Mulken, Nawie Kuiper, Branko Popovic and Brenda Prins.
donderdag 3 maart 2016
FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 Campaign Launch
Save the date for FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016, the HERITAGE edition
June 30 – July 3, various locations in Maastricht
The 8th edition of the international and interdisciplinary fashion festival takes place June 30 – July 3 in Maastricht (The Netherlands).
The 4-day festival program with Fashion Shows, Exhibitions, Performances, Designer Market, Fashion Talks, MAFAD Academy Graduation, Awards and Parties gives more than 150 designers and artists from all over the world the opportunity to show their work to a diverse international audience and industry professionals.
The 8th edition of the festival is curated around the theme of HERITAGE, consisting of a theme related and general programme. The festival is a reflection of what is going on within the international fashion scene in the new generation of designers; imagination of the zeitgeist of contemporary fashion design through the eyes of the new generation of designers and artists. FASHIONCLASH Festival is an unique opportunity to discover new talent and to get inspired by the art of fashion.
FASHIONCLASH Festival is accessible to everyone. Most of the program is accessible for free, to attend the Fashion Shows there is a ticket sale starting beginning of May. Since the first edition in 2009 more than 900 talents from 50 different countries have joined FASHIONCLASH Festival and were given the opportunity to show their talent and work. Some of their careers really took of from there! Take a look at for an impression of the event and the activities of FASHIONCLASH throughout the world.
FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 looks to the future along the theme of ‘Heritage’.
‘Like no other fashion knows how to renew itself again and again by creating a new atmosphere each season, using the past as an infinite source of inspiration and by selling and presenting the past as the new future. Designers look back to the past but also dare to speculate about the future. From this perspective designers are shaping the future of the shape of things to come. What is the role of our cultural heritage in a constantly changing world? How are new generation designers dealing with their cultural heritage (ancestry and traditions) in a globalized world where everything seems to be reachable and in which fashion is dominated by Fast Fashion chains and mass-production? Where do you come from, where do you go?’
Campaign Launch
In relation to the theme of Heritage a campaign is created with an editorial and fashion film in collaboration with Lonneke van der Palen, Studio Noto, M.A.C. Cosmetics, KEVIN.MURPHY and WEDOVOODOO.TV In this editorial work of emerging designers is included such as Merel Bos, Jivika Biervliet, Noir Near Future and Minou Lejeune.
FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 campaign credits
Photography: Lonneke van der Palen Make-up: M.A.C. Cosmetics
Graphic design: Studio Noto
Styling & Art direction: FASHIONCLASH
Assistants: Pia Walter, Nienke Creemers, Sem Shayne
Models: Isabella Provaas @ CJ Models, Mara Kasanpawiro and Isa Nilwik @Models Rock Agency, Bert Snaterse, Jessica Irabor, Annoury Belaraj
Designers: Merel Bos, Joelle Boers, Judith van Vliet, Noir Near Future, Renate Cuiper, Jivika Biervliet, Minou Lejeune, Jennifer Droguett, Michał Wójciak, Julia Aumann, Maarten van Mulken, Nawie Kuiper, Branko Popovic and Brenda Prins.
FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 is made possible thanks to generous support of partners and sponsors, funds, friends and voluneers. FASHIONCLASH is structurally supported by the Province of Limburg and The Municipality of Maastricht. FASHIONCLASH Festival is part of Fashion Maastricht.
June 30 – July 3, various locations in Maastricht
The 8th edition of the international and interdisciplinary fashion festival takes place June 30 – July 3 in Maastricht (The Netherlands).
The 4-day festival program with Fashion Shows, Exhibitions, Performances, Designer Market, Fashion Talks, MAFAD Academy Graduation, Awards and Parties gives more than 150 designers and artists from all over the world the opportunity to show their work to a diverse international audience and industry professionals.
The 8th edition of the festival is curated around the theme of HERITAGE, consisting of a theme related and general programme. The festival is a reflection of what is going on within the international fashion scene in the new generation of designers; imagination of the zeitgeist of contemporary fashion design through the eyes of the new generation of designers and artists. FASHIONCLASH Festival is an unique opportunity to discover new talent and to get inspired by the art of fashion.
FASHIONCLASH Festival is accessible to everyone. Most of the program is accessible for free, to attend the Fashion Shows there is a ticket sale starting beginning of May. Since the first edition in 2009 more than 900 talents from 50 different countries have joined FASHIONCLASH Festival and were given the opportunity to show their talent and work. Some of their careers really took of from there! Take a look at for an impression of the event and the activities of FASHIONCLASH throughout the world.
FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 looks to the future along the theme of ‘Heritage’.
‘Like no other fashion knows how to renew itself again and again by creating a new atmosphere each season, using the past as an infinite source of inspiration and by selling and presenting the past as the new future. Designers look back to the past but also dare to speculate about the future. From this perspective designers are shaping the future of the shape of things to come. What is the role of our cultural heritage in a constantly changing world? How are new generation designers dealing with their cultural heritage (ancestry and traditions) in a globalized world where everything seems to be reachable and in which fashion is dominated by Fast Fashion chains and mass-production? Where do you come from, where do you go?’
Campaign Launch
In relation to the theme of Heritage a campaign is created with an editorial and fashion film in collaboration with Lonneke van der Palen, Studio Noto, M.A.C. Cosmetics, KEVIN.MURPHY and WEDOVOODOO.TV In this editorial work of emerging designers is included such as Merel Bos, Jivika Biervliet, Noir Near Future and Minou Lejeune.
FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 campaign credits
Photography: Lonneke van der Palen Make-up: M.A.C. Cosmetics
Graphic design: Studio Noto
Styling & Art direction: FASHIONCLASH
Assistants: Pia Walter, Nienke Creemers, Sem Shayne
Models: Isabella Provaas @ CJ Models, Mara Kasanpawiro and Isa Nilwik @Models Rock Agency, Bert Snaterse, Jessica Irabor, Annoury Belaraj
Designers: Merel Bos, Joelle Boers, Judith van Vliet, Noir Near Future, Renate Cuiper, Jivika Biervliet, Minou Lejeune, Jennifer Droguett, Michał Wójciak, Julia Aumann, Maarten van Mulken, Nawie Kuiper, Branko Popovic and Brenda Prins.
FASHIONCLASH Festival 2016 is made possible thanks to generous support of partners and sponsors, funds, friends and voluneers. FASHIONCLASH is structurally supported by the Province of Limburg and The Municipality of Maastricht. FASHIONCLASH Festival is part of Fashion Maastricht.
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